Wednesday, 28 January 2015


I like to think of myself as somewhat social media savvy, however, I have to admit that the concept of twitter fiction is completely new to me. I found the TED Talk by Andrew Fitzgerald particularly valuable as it conceptually gave me a foundation for understanding twitter fiction and in some ways, created a curiosity for further exploration. #twitterfictionnewbie

Typically, I view twitter as a news feed and had not given thought to its function as a fiction or literary medium. And, I am not yet completely convinced of its long-term viability. #fictionornonfiction

That being said, I think the digital medium itself has opened the door for new opportunity in writing, publishing and editing. Fitzgerald commented on the way in which e-books have opened a quick feedback system that is not possible in paper publishing. This in turn, opens new avenues and ways for authors to write, edit and vet ideas that likely leads to better end products, or at least end products that resonate more immediately with the audience. #immediatefeedback

Fitzgerald also pointed out an interesting dynamic in the user experience. “Normally the reader can control the pace of the story but that is not the case with Twitter.” This to me poses a problem, at least in the traditional sense of fictional literary works. When looking for interesting examples of twitter fiction, I felt confusion in knowing where I was in the story. Was I reading a 140 character story…was this it? Should I dig deeper to see if there is a collection of tweets somewhere? Did I miss something? #newmediaproblem

The BBC broadcast by Ruth Page likely resonated with me more in that she seemed to comment, for the mots part, on the twitter that I feel I know. One where we can gather information from people we may not normally connect with such as celebrities - even though much of what they share is based on raising a profile or promoting a new product/song/show. Even still, this week’s readings have opened my mind to new possibilities for this  medium and potential for just about anyone with a twitter account, talent and idea to be fiction-based writer. #trytwitterfiction

Ruth Page, (2011). BBC Radio Leicester Interview with Ruth Page on her Twitter 
Andrew Fitzgerald (October 2013). “Adventures in Twitter Fiction, Ted Talks,


  1. "I am not yet completely convinced of its long-term viability. #fictionornonfiction". Neither am I, but surely people will find ways to adapt themselves to any new medium, just to make their story known.

  2. Glad to see I am not alone in the boat! Thanks for sharing your views, Jaylene.
