Sunday, 11 January 2015

Digital Literacy and Me

Hi everyone,

Here is the podcast I created for Assignment 1.

It's somewhat amusing to me that we are discussing digital literacy and this is the first podcast I have created so this was new ground for me. I found it very interesting and challenging. Interesting because it's always fun to play with new technology and create something new. Challenging because my technology has been a challenge to work with and getting the quality I wanted in audio sound proved more difficult than I thought it would. My Mac is in the shop and I am using my husbands laptop so this assignment was more challenging than it probably should have been.

I find every time I have to use a new technology or interface online I have some skills that I can rely on even if I haven't used them for a long time. The accumulated experience is maintained somewhere in my brain and I am able to call up on the required skills needed to get the job done. There are times I wish I had more resources and play time to explore the creative side of the internet and create fabulous work like Joshua Davis. When I was studying new media he had just developed, which was a site for Flash designers that was one of the first to offer open source files. I wish I could link to the site but it doesn't exist any longer. The picture below is a screenshot from the site when it was up and running. Davis was a first generation web designer who used technology, particularly Flash, as it was developing and helped define the ground rules of digital design.

His work has continued to push boundaries, as illustrated in this film.
I have been trying to explore new technologies to keep abreast of changes and I have decided to use Vimeo more this year because it has such great content.  Like this short documentary filmed at Charlie Hebdo in 2006. It is also interesting to note that the #JeSuisCharlie has become the most used hashtag ever on Twitter.
Its astounding when you consider how many aps, programs and interfaces exist in the digital world, like this one designed by Brian Solis call the Conversation Prism.
Literacy whether it is online or otherwise helps to keep us informed and current.  It is important to always maintain our literacy and to continue to grow.


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  3. Tess, your podcast made me curious to google your name, too. I found you on Zoominfo, Facebook, and in few other places. From what I’ve seen, I can guess that you love cats and chocolate (same here). I also found out that your name, Tess, has a Greek origin and means “to reap”. To find out more about your name, check this out:
