Friday, 13 February 2015


When I first discovered Pinterest I loved it. I used it in a typical way, saving ideas for a new house I was building and planning my wedding.  This exercise was eye-opening because it's helped me realize what a convenient tool Pinterest is for other pursuits, like academic ones. I have used Pearltrees for organizing but Pinterest is also very convenient.

My board is a reflection of the discussion we had around digital storytelling and the impact the internet has had on reading, books and the unfolding of digital literacy in modern society.

Follow Tess's board Digital Books on Pinterest.

One of my favourite pins I found this week was from the which compiled an infographic on the Evolution of Storytelling.  It's a wonderful summation of where we've come from and where we are heading to with digital literacy.

Brabyn argued that "The history of printing and publishing, like that of all human progress, is a record of the interplay between technological innovation and social change" and I feel this info graph complements this concept well.  Walker-Rettberg pointed out that only 4 percent of all the books in existence have been digitized which leaves a lot of literature to yet make it online.  Digital storytelling is bringing new generations to reading and as Malloy points out a "generation is growing up reading cybertext on the World Wide Web where commercial sites are intermingled with literature, hyperactivity engenders a diffuse contemplation, and (with a resultant rich chaos) everyone has the opportunity to be a publisher."


Brabyn, H. (1988). “The Desktop Revolution,” P. 16-19, Retrieved from

Malloy, J. (n.d.). “Hypernarrative in the Age of the Web". Retrieved from'

Walker Rettberg, J. (2012). “Electronic Literature Seen from a Distance: The Beginnings of a Field". Retrieved from


  1. Great work Tess! And that quote by Malloy is so pertinent but that idea of chaos...could really be replaced with illiteracy. If we don't learn how to use these platforms and digital creations in a literate sense (for us it may be a professional use or for an academic purpose), there will only be chaos.

  2. Thanks Jess. I just finished reading this article in the NY Times, "How One Stupid Tweet Blew Up Justine Sacco’s Life".

    I believe it is relevant to what you're saying. Illiteracy online can be chaotic or dangerous, just as this article shows. Whether it is poor judgement or not fully understanding the medium, there can be resulting chaos that can have repercussions.

  3. The message you have created with your Pinterest board and text is so strong in its cohesiveness and lightness - the humour that touches many of the pins serves as an uplifting carrier, making the thesis easy to absorb. I learned a TON from this and will come back to haunt it for more. Well done you.

    PS - read the Jon Ronson article Thursday - hoooooh - a profound message that resonates with me still. But do you think the punishments fit the crimes here?

    1. Hi Lisa, thanks. As for the Ronson piece, that article resonates with me also and I do believe the punishments were excessive. But I think the take away from this is that you have to know whats acceptable online. Whether that is literacy or net savvy, it is something all users need to think about before posting material online.

  4. The Mobile Revolution certainly puts things in perspective. Particularly when you consider that the iPhone, for example, was just released in 2007. The adoption rate of mobile technology as way to read a book must be startling as compared to the adoption rate of the pocket 'novel'.

    1. No kidding eh? Our adoption curve has been modified significantly with technology, and to think it can impact something as staid and traditional as literature is impressive.
