Thursday, 9 April 2015

#NMN Reflections

The #NMN course was challenging, funny, and practical. It made me think more critically, put my creative mind to the test, and expanded my knowledge about how to use digital technology to tell my stories.

I can surely say that all the readings and other resources (such as videos) impressed me. However, one of the materials that changed my way of thinking was @inanimatealice. This made me think about the idea of immersive learning. How powerful is the technology today, if it allows the viewer to directly participate in the story! Literally. It's true: @inanimatealice  convinced me to look online for more information about immersive learning as I wondered myself how easy would be to learn a new language, for example, if, just like Alice, we start travel around the world (she already shared with us bit of geography).

Perhaps I am a bit eccentric, but I imagine the future of learning depending 100% on New Media. Just like that:you go to your class, meet your teacher and classmates (their avatars, or their holograms, maybe) and the next minute you are with your class in Egypt, learning about the pyramids.

Did I change my thinking about new media?  Maybe a bit too much…

Finally, I was impressed about the power of new media in terms of protests and online activism. Although my petition Remove The Cyanide and Other Toxic Ingredients from Our Table Salt! didn’t benefit from traditional media endorsement as it was just a personal concern of mine, I still have gotten ten supporters. Yeeey! So, I can say that learning in this course how to create an online petition, helped reach my goal: “if some people will check the ingredients on the salt packages, and make the right choice when buying salt, this petition will make a difference”.

#NMN reflection

I am finishing up my Masters program in Public Relations and I have to say that this course was one of my favourites over the past two years of study. Partly because I feel it is so practical, everything we studied this term is something I can use in my job in the future but also because its challenged me and made me explore and learn out of pure interest. 

From the start, it’s been a challenge. The first week when we had to complete the podcast, I reread the syllabus at least five times because I thought the date was wrong! But it was just a sign of things to come and for that I am really grateful. Creating a podcast, editing together a video/story for Inanimate Alice, developing an online petition, analyzing selfies, discovering Twitter fiction and tweeting and blogging has been incredibly interesting and challenging.  New media has always interested me but this course has sparked a new interest in the area. One that is more critical and reflective thanks in part to the required readings but also in part to the discussions we’ve had over the term as a class.  But to me personally this class was successful because we as a class, were so participatory in the process and thats what new media is all about.

I think the one area that really surprised me was the whole conversation about Twitter fiction and I think trying to create a story as a class is something worth exploring in the future.

The last weeks readings on gaming has motivated me to reinvestigate gaming; it was always an area of interest to me but I fell away from it.  The readings encouraged me to rethink games, to consider how they have their own spatial structure and can create their own physical space while establishing themselves as serious storytellers. Thinking about opening up the engine to allow users to contribute to the story, constantly changing and manipulating its development is exciting. I discovered that I am a Seeker in terms of Audience Archetypes,
"This group is all about going deeper into the story, exploring different worlds, and learning new things—making them voracious information seekers. They want more back-story, more bonus content, more sneak peeks—more, more, more. And they want it without distraction; Seekers are least likely to use a second screen (for any reason — including looking up related content, emailing, shopping, texting, etc.) while engaging with a story, but they do express more interest in checking out related content at other times."
In fact, there’s much in the readings from this semester that I will revisit in my leisure time.  In particular, biophilia, Twitter Narratives and futurecasting are areas I will be reading up on.  Passive or active narrative experience? It really is our choice and I feel that this course has made me aware of this and for that I am entirely grateful.

Wednesday, 8 April 2015

Upon reflection...

Short version: #NMN encapsulated what I had in mind when signing up for the MACT program.

As a writer/editor who has always been a geek (my family owned one of Edmonton's very first Macintosh computers in 1984), a degree combining communications and technology seemed a natural fit. But, although I'm doing just fine in the program, I'm finding the theoretical and academic aspects a bit daunting. I have already had several papers criticized for not displaying enough "academic rigour"—in fact, one comment read, "This section sounds as if it could have been published in a magazine," and it was NOT meant as a compliment.

Fair enough. I'm trying, really I am. And there's no escaping it: the MACT road won't get any less rigorous in year two.

In contrast, my two electives this winter have given me plenty of opportunities to roll up my sleeves and play around with technology. I've had fun, I've learned plenty, and I have actually achieved some good in the real world—last semester with a pilot SMS project for Edmonton's Multicultural Health Brokers Cooperative, and now this semester with my successful petition to save McDougall Church.

That petition has certainly dominated my last few weeks in NMN, and obviously represents my most memorable takeaway (online petitions matter—who knew?). But the semester has been filled with other enriching encounters with new media—from our podcasts, to our Animotos, to our selfie analyses, to this very blog.

Ah, yes, the blog. It's been so much fun writing (and reading!) this blog as the course progressed, to grapple with the course materials and assignments in such a lively and entertaining forum, and to follow the parallel adventures of my classmates. I wouldn't dream of forcing my friends and family to read a research paper I might write for a typical university class, but I was excited to share links to my major blog posts for this class—and to then see retweets and highly gratifying view counts.

I've had fun, I've generated lots of good work, I've gained TONS of new knowledge and practical experience, and I've even helped effect change. Like I said, this is the MACT I signed up for.

Monday, 6 April 2015

Course Reflection

Thinking back to the first assignment in relation to digital literacy and the learning that has occurred since then, I would say that I am surprised at the outcomes. That is to say I am surprised at my level of familiarity with the context, and surprised at how much there still is to learn. At the beginning of this course, I felt I had a reasonably high-level of understanding of digital literacy and tactical ability in relation to complimentary technologies. The course work showed me how the theoretical context adds depth to my understanding of new media. It also showed me and how the rapid evolution of digital technology is continually changing due to the nature of digital communication, yet strongly rooted within a historical framework.

While I started this course familiar with tools like podcats, pinterest and animoto, this was the first exposure I had to being the creator of these messages rather than the consumer. This in itself was a terrific learning opportunity and, by connecting the tactical experience to an academic framework served to enhance my level of understanding and execution ability.

The three main highlights for me include Selfies, Narratives of Protest and Technobiophilia. 
  • The readings and work on Selfies definitely changed and enhanced my perspective on the selfie and the many roles that it fills on both a positive and negative light. Taken to the extreme, selfies are rooted in narcissistic behavior, however, I can now appreciate the selfie as a powerful message, a documentation of a passing moment, as identity formation and as an interruption (just to name a few).
  • The Narratives of Protest module was particularly eye opening in the power of digital media and story-telling to both educate and influence. I was engaged by the robust nature of this topic and found the examples and theories behind this type of influence to be particularly meaningful and robust.
  • Technobiophilia was a completely new concept to me that I found fascinating. Working on the readings and engaging with the author was a meaningful way to learn about the connection between nature and technology.
I also enjoyed all of the work by everyone in this class. Each week it was interesting to see a range of perspectives and interests related to the course work. I also think the introspective nature of some of the work enhanced my familiarity with individual interests and personalities adding to a more robust learning environment in an online setting. 

I am not sure yet if my digital behavior will change, but I am confident that I will be able to make more informed decisions as I adapt new technologies and perhaps let go of others.

Sunday, 5 April 2015

Looking Back on Looking Forward - Reflections on New Media Narratives, Winter 2015

When I first enrolled in New Media Narratives, I expected a ride through narrative as expressed in new media – the English major in me was intrigued.  I thought I would be responding more to selected narratives presented non-conventionally (i.e. books, magazines, etc.).  This course, instead, was more expository than rhetorical as it focused on the media, on how narrative can be conveyed digitally.  Having said this, I certainly have no regrets as I have learned a great deal from the media presented in this course.  I have become more fine-tuned to narrative as it appears around me, in everyday situations as well as online.

While all of the modules made an impression on me, the media that stand out are the readings by Eisenstein, Inanimate Alice, the Selfie readings, and Technobiophilia.  First, Eisenstein’s careful analysis of and reflections on text-based digital narrative provided a sound foundation for me to look at narrative in a new way.  Second, Inanimate Alice presented a view of the world that refreshingly international.  I took Alice herself to be a metaphor for those just starting to use digital media (like me) and appreciated its exploratory and progressive nature. Third, the selfie readings really helped to put into perspective the human need to provide a permanent marker in history; it helped me to see that their existence is not only justifiable, but essential, to our cultural progress. Last, Thomas presented more of a cultural response to the advent of technology and countered the dominant viewpoint that our fascination with technology will bring an end to society as we know it – the optimistic nature of her futuristic presentation reminded me of Marina Gorbis’ The Nature of the Future.

What will I do more often?  Hmmm…I am intrigued by the concept of narrative as presented digitally, so I will likely look for more of that online and use it more often in my own teaching.  I will look for narrative in more visual-based offerings, certainly.  I will also value visual narrative more – it has such a long reach.  Coupled with audio, either in the form of music or spoken word; it has the potential to make a much more dynamic impression upon its participants.  I actually sort of regret this course is coming to an end and would take more courses that continue this exploration, as it’s helped me to think in a new way that is more open to the potential of digital media.

Thursday, 2 April 2015

#helpMaria: bad news, good news

Didn't expect to be updating so quickly, but more progress has been made on Maria Venancio's case.  First the bad news is that Minister Mandel's efforts to secure treatment for Maria under the Alberta Health Act have been, unfortunately, for naught.  As a foreign worker, she is officially not eligible to receive treatment beyond the pro bono care she's been receiving.  Now, it is up to her lawyers to win the lawsuit against her former employers.

And now the good news: this is where two years of intense therapy has brought Maria:

Have a lovely weekend!

Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Update on #helpMaria

Kudos to Scott for his hard work, and for reminding me to provide an update on Maria Venancio.  I am ecstatic to report that, on March 11, Clareview MLA Thomas Lukaszuk was able to ensure that Maria received the care she needed via a guarantee from Health Minister Stephen Mandel as well as a promise for further scrutiny of the TFW rules and regulations.  Below is a screenshot of the Hansard for the Legislative Assembly for the Wednesday March 11 afternoon session, taken from page 561, that notes this:

My petition did really not influence this outcome at all; however, I'm just thrilled about this progress and thought you might be, too!

My petition helped make this happen!

Very cool news this morning, as the province and city stepped up with historic designation and $1.25 million for McDougall Church.
The money will help address McDougall's most urgent short-term repairs, and the designation will help provide momentum for the continuing task of finding a long-term solution.

Of course, the petition formed just one part of the effort by the Friends of McDougall—and a great deal of work lies ahead—but I'm so thrilled to have made a difference.

If you watch CTV News' coverage of the announcement, you can even spot me singing (tall bald guy in the back row!).